Approximate Location:
OS Grid Reference: SJ 8610 7604
Latitude: 53.16.52N Longitude: 2.12.36W
A hill of approximately 183m aOD which overlooks Highmost Redmanhey, to the north-west, which stands between the farm and Alderley Edge. When walking to the Edge, Colin and Susan most likely headed over Clinton Hill via Slade Lane.
In Weirdstone, Chapter 16: The Wood of Radnor, the fugitives skirted around Clinton Hill whilst trying to evade the morthbrood – some of whom were stationed on its slopes disguised as hikers.
In Gomrath, Chapter 5: “To a Woman yt was Dumpe”, Susan fell into a quarry on the slopes of Clinton Hill and was possessed by the Brollachan. Later, Colin followed his sister up to the summit of the hill whilst trying to work out why she was behaving so bizarrely.